My wife Diana (this link is her painting), tells everyone that I have too many hobbies.
Well... Ok...
I do have a few interests.  So here are a bunch of links describing a few of my other activities.  Hope you find some of these pages of use.


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Upper Canada Tonewoods

Toledo Guitars

Hear My  Music

The HD-1 Swifta flight sim aircraft design under development.

Walnuts for riparian restoration work

The Earth is Growing

The Tappers List: Hedges / Heavy Wood / Tapping.  Ground braking guitar music from players that must been seen!!

Audit every little thing

New Element

Euro English

The Flat Tax.   Can there be such thing as a fair tax system.  Here is a paper Toronto MP Dennis Mills presented to the The Fraser Institute, and a number of links addressing the issue.

Feed your crows?

African Cichlids

Doing away with the law forcing windsurfers use of a PFD
Can you guess, I'm also a boardhead

Windsurfing Downhaul Puller

Flight Maxims; The pilots truths about the art (bullshit) of flying.

The Hidden Orchard


Governor General’s Office

The Fokker F-28

Ever wonder where the Middle East is?

Our place on the edge of the Niagara Escarpment.

Creeks, Rivers, and what about Trees?
A country drive to look at degraded Sub-Watersheds and Stripped Riparian Zones.

Two Tall Trees - and the beech says to the birch

Side Projects

The rescue of a 1964 Framus 5 / 1 “Amateur” Acoustic Guitar


There's more to go, just haven't got to it yet...



  This is Bailey, the shop dog and new helper.  As of Oct 25th, she is just about nine weeks old.  Life is good!! :) 



 Here she is again in June of 2006, now ten months old and just a bit taller.

Dec of 2006. Fully grown, and her first new winter coat.


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