Pseudotropheus lombardoi

Other Names   Description

P. Lombardoi are typical Mbuna. Sexually dimorphic, females and juveniles are blue with transverse black bars. At maturity the males turn yellow. As with many fish, stress and lighting can cause color changes, and the females will occasionally appear almost as light as the male. Males have eggspots on the anal fin. 

General Care

Environmental requirements are typical of other mbunas. P. Lombardoi require a high pH and hard water. They are opportunistic eaters, but should have high amounts of algae in their diet. In my aquarium they have totally removed the pattern from a Cowrie shell in their grazing! Due to the alkalinity of their preferred water, they are quite sensitive to Nitrites, so low bio-loads and/or frequent water changes are required.

Among fish that are well known for aggression, P. Lombardoi are probably middling aggressive. Both male & female will establish definite territories and chase other fish out of them, but are not typically violent with members of other species. Multiple males of the same species will require a lot of room.

Breeding is extremely easy. P. Lombardoi are maternal mouthbrooders. Given sufficient room, food, and caves, one male will keep one or more females pregnant almost continuously. He takes no part in the process once the eggs are fertilized. She takes up the eggs, and in about 3 weeks will release the young. They will breed in a community aquarium, and probably should, or you will be overrun in a short time.

Common Name Kennyi
Similar Species Pseudotropheus zebra
Origin Mbenji Island, Lake Malawi
Habitat Rocky shorelines
Size 12cm
Water Temp. 24-27 °C
Water pH 8.0-8.4

Contributor Derek Broughton
