Creeks, Rivers, and what about
A country drive
looking at degraded Sub-Watersheds and
Stripped Riparian Zones.
Rating: An Ok Start. This photo is looking north
Rating: Also An Ok Start. Looking south, with the dump on the horizon.
Both of these field have what is in my layman's opinion, a minimal buffer area that allows for the filtration of water before it flows into the creek. This is a good start to rehabilitation, even if nothing more is done here. If the farmer actually stays off this strip of land, the trees will eventually regenerate and slowly develop a narrow riparian zone.
To actively do nothing would allow Passive Regeneration. In other word, to make a commitment to leave this grassy area undisturbed. If cattle were to be grazed here in any future farm operation, this area would have to be fenced to protect the trees root zone, the forest ground vegetation, and to keep the cattle out of the water.
Of course regeneration could be promoted by an active reforestation program. Partnership programs with environmental groups, and or industry could concurrently develop healthy riparian zones, cold-water-creeks, more sport fishing, bird watching, and hiking opportunities, all the while counting the trees planted towards carbon credits as we work to meet the Kyoto Protocol.